Max nagata is a digital colorist, whose done work on a comicbook called "Luchador" for Last Bastion Studios. This will be the second issue in the series and a kickstarter for it will begin soon. He's also done coloring work for maxtoyco, coloring a bonus print for the figure "Gerald: The man of many weapons", back in 2020. This figure us based on martial arts actor, Gerald Okamura.

Max also works part time painting japanese monster toys, known as kaiju. He's been painting toys since 2017. These toys are made from a soft vinyl material called sofubi, a durable plastic that can be heated to be more soft and flexible in order to add or remove joints. Some of his work have been apart of shows art toy shows, such as Clutter Magazine and Kohai Toys. He's collaborated with several artists like Javier Jimenez and Frank Mysterio.